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Friday, May 27, 2005

Patty Hearst, True or False?

So who knows the real deal? Was is the link between Patty Hearst being kidnapped and Julie's Supper Club.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The upstairs portion of Julie's Supper Club's property was the SLA's hideout when they "kidnaped" Patty Hearst. When I first started working at Julie's in 1997, the office was up there and sometimes I would have to be up there all alone. (admin) IT WAS FREAKY. There is still spray paint from the SLA members on the walls up there in one of the rooms. However, David's luxury marble/granite tiled bathroom in the way back... kinda killed the nostalgia. :) (but thank God it was there)

5:18 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said... wasn't the SLA who inhabited the building,but rather a
little known radical group known as Tribal Thumb,which was similar in make-up to the SLA.
They operated a vegitarian restaurant called the Wellspring's Communion that served meal's for a dollar and it was quite popular
w/the local's.
The place was raided by the cop's in June 1980 after one of it's member's was killed while trying to leave the group.
After that it became Julie's Supper Club.

2:56 AM

Blogger SF in the 80s said...

Actually, it did not become Julies until much later, like around 1986-87ish

8:58 PM


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